Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Folkore of Capitalism

 The Folklore of Capitalism by Thurman W Arnold

New Haven, CT:  Yale University Press, 1937

(xiv)  That folklore consised of a series of very simple mental pictures.  The government was pictured as the thrifty head of the family who balances his budget and saves money for the future.  If he does not do so he goes bankrupt and his children suffer.  The national debt which had been constantly increasing since the First World War was a mortgage on the property of every citizen, which sooner or later would have to be paid by the next generation.  Prosperity and full employment could only be forthcoming by balancing the national budget and taking the burden of taxation from the backs of our taxpayers.  The money and credit necessary to operate our economy and full employment would then be produced by private industry and our economy would begin to grow and expand, as it did in the nineteenth century.  The idea that government credit or government debt could be used to create purchasing power necessary to distribute the products of the twentieth-century industrial revolution was unsound, radical, crackpot, dangerous, and subversive.  It was leading us straight to socialism.  Such was the economic folklore of 1932.

(xv)  For years a group of economists led by Leon Keyserling had advocated balancing the economic budget rather than the fiscal budget.  By this they meant that on one side of the balance sheet the President should estimate the productive capacities of our national industrial plants.  On the other side there should be listed the demands on that productive capacity for necessities such as schools, public works, water conservation, health, and so on through a long list.  Congress should then formulate programs which would not put an inflationary burden upon our productive capacity but at the same time would utilize it to its fullest extent.  France has such a plan.  Germany though without a formal plan has for years thought in terms of production rather than money.  In other words, balancing the economic budget consists in the establishment of economic goals and the implementation of those goals by practical methods.

(xvi)  The central idea of the economic folklore which frustrated our ability to use the capacity of the modern industrial revolution may be expressed as follows:  Private enterprise with its tremendous variety of credit devices is able to supply the purchasing power which will not only utilize our full productive capacity but enable it to expand.  It is the duty of the government to prevent that expansion from proceeding so rapidly.  The government performs that duty by balancing the budget.

(xviii)  Conservatives in Power:  A Study in Frustration by Edwin Dale Jr, financial editor of the NYTimes

(xix) The real difficulty is that we have failed to realize the tremendous productive capacity of the twentieth-century scientific revolution.  That capacity is so great that the credit mechanisms invented by the private sector of the economy cannot fully employ it.  Those credit mechanisms, which we will call the private printing of money, have never before in our history pumped as much money into the nation’s purchasing power.

(xx)  The Potomac River is a good illustration of this folklore.  It is an open sewer.  A vast recreation area badly needed has gone to waste.  The more the sludge accumulates the greater will be the burden on posterity.  We have the productive capacity to clean up this river and all the other rivers.  But we cannot do so because it would be an intolerable burden on our taxpayers.  According to our folklore there is only one economic situation which would justify cleaning up the Potomac, and that is if Washington, DC, became a depressed area.  In that case, perhaps, we might clean it up, not because the job itself was worthwhile doing but because the expenditures might prime the pump and get Washington on its economic feet again.  But until Washington becomes a depressed area it is better to let the Potomac fill up with sludge so that it will remain a handy way of priming the pump in the future.

(xxii)  A public debt owed by a nation to its own citizens is not a mortgage which their children must pay off.   The building of necessary public works is an asset both for the present and the future.

(5)  All arguments against heresy follow the same pattern.  A Devil must first be discovered who is trying to lead the people astray.  A Hell must be invented which illustrsates what happens to those who listen to the Devil.  The conception of free will is essential.  Then the age-old story is told.

(9)  We are still convinced that appeals to the thinking man to choose his system of government are not ceremonies but actual methods of social control.  We still use governmental creeds as a basis for diagnosis.

(20)  One does not speak of a successful trial lawyer as a great scholar of the law - and one does not speak of successful political strategy as statesmanship.

(23)  This chapter will therefore be based on the assumption that social creeds, law, economics, and so on _have no meaning whatever_ apart from the organization to which they are attached. 

(25)  The elements which all social organizations share in common may tentatively be described as follows:

1.  A creed or a set of commonly accepted rituals, verbal or ceremonial, which has the effect of making each individual feel an integral part of the group and which makes the group appear as a single unit...

2.  A set of attitudes which makes the creed effective by giving the individual prestige, or at least security, when he subordinates what are ordinarily called “selfish interests” to those of the group….

3.  A set of institutional habits by means of which men are automatically able to work together without any process of conscious choice as to whether they will cooperate or not…

4.  The mythological or historical tradition which proves that an institutional creed has been ordained by more than human forces.

(27)  In this country we like to think that we decided to write down all our governmental principles in one document called the Constitution.  Actually, the Constitution consists of thousands of documents written at various times.

(31)  It is considered quite a sophisticated observation in these curious times to say that both political parties are exactly alike.  Few, however, understand that the reason for this is that where the center of attention is abstractions rather than practical objectives all parties are bound to be alike.

(37)  Our Devil is governmental interference.  Thus we firmly believe in the inherent malevolence of government which interferes with business.  Here are people who are not to be trusted - they are the bureaucrats, the petty tyrants, the destroyers of a rule of law.  Organizations always tend to assume the charcters given to them by popular mythology.

(46)  For example, years ago Mr Justice Cardozo pointed out that law was really literature.

(48)  …the great principle that government should not interfere with business.

(50)  Anything which could be called governmental interference in business necessarily created bureaucracy, regimentation, inflation and put burdens on posterity.

(58)  Out of it have been spun our great legal and economic principles which have made our learning about government a search for universal truth rather than a net of observations about the techniques of human organizations.

(61)  Yet it was constantly pointed out by its opponents that if one tried to obtain Socialism, one got either Fascism or Communism, with their attendant evils of regimentation, bureaucracy, dictatorship, and so on, and that individualism disappeared.

(61-62)  Tendencies are regarded as far more important than immediate effects and the danger to posterity actually seemed more real than the danger to existing persons.

(83)  Social plans are a symptom, not a cause.  Goods are distributed, not through plans, but through habit and ceremony.  Most of these ceremonies are not recognized as such and are thought to be expressions of fundamental truth.

(96)  The quaint moral conceptions of legal and economic learning by which the needs of the moment could be argued out of existence were expressed by “long run” arguments.  Such arguments always appear in religious thinking.  From the point of view the future is supposed to be the only reality, just as Heaven in the MIddle Ages was the only reality.  All else is regarded as temporary, shifting, and ephermeral.  This way of thinking allows men to ignore what they see before them in their absorption with the more orderly blueprint of the future.

(100)  Each social science was a pyramid of abstract theory, imposed upside down on some simple myth believed by the man in the street.

The result of this devotion to theory was to obscure practical necessities and to prevent the alignment of groups according to their actual interests.  It was impossible to form political parties to represent the interests of different economic groups because everyone believed in the same slogans and refused to talk about practical affairs.  Therefore, party platforms in America were practically identical, except for minor detail.

(101)  The reason was obvious.  Everyone belonged to the same church.  Everyone believed in a written Constitution and a Supreme Court to save the nation’s soul, and in the existence of sound economic principles discovered by impartial learned men in colleges to cure its body.  And, above all, everyone believed in a government of principles and not of men.  The idea that different classes of the country really had opposing interests, that they were _not_ all working hand in hand toward the same goal - ie, justice under the capitalistic system - never took any emotional hold on any extensive group.  A separate labor movement was regarded as dangerous even by a large section of labot.

(104)  The learned theology of the time, however, convinced men that the same general principles of credit, noninterference with business, bureaucracy, the gold standard, the Constitution, and individualism operated without regard to particular organizations or personalities.

(106-107)  [Annual poll of national problems]  The reader will note:  (1) that abstractions always lead the list and practical problems get very few votes;  (2) that there are no problems stated concretely;  and (3) that the problem selected as the most pressing is one which is already on its way to a solution through the emergence of a new organization which is rising to fill the need.

(108)  This curious attitude is the result of a philosophy that great organizations dressed in clothes of individuals achieve long-run unselfish and humanitarian results by pursuing their selfish interests.  The only control needed is that of an umpire.  The only formulas needed are standards by which the umpire can apply the rules of the game.

…. “To be grandly vague,” said Herbert Finer, “is the shortest route to power;  for a meaningless noise is that which divides us the least.”

(110)  Thus we developed two coordinate governing classes:  the one, called “business,” building cities, manufacturing and distributing goods, and holding complete and automatic control over the livelihood of millions;  the other, called ‘government,” concerned with the preaching and exemplification of spiritual ideals, so caught in a mass of theory that when it wished to move in a practical world it had to do so by means of a sub rosa political machine.

(112)  When organizational changes began to appear after the depression, the liberals opposed change and lost their identity as a group.  This is characteristic of liberal movements in times of change.  They always disappear, because they are symptoms of belief in established forms.  They stand on the same fundamental truths as conservatives and immediately join forces with conservatives when new organizations appear to violate those truths.

(137-138)  We suggest therefore that the platform of the observer by the following:
1.  Institutions are like personalities playing a dramatic part in society.  They are to be judged by their utility in the distribution of physical comforts and in the development of an atmosphere of spiritual peace.
2.  When institutions fail to function, reforms must be attempted with something like the same point of view with which a trained psychiatrist reforms an individual.  That point of view must recognize that an institution has something which may be called a subconscious mind.  This means only that its verbal conduct must be calculated to inspire morale and not to describe what it does.
3.  Law and economics are the formal language of institutions on parade.

(142)  Professor Edward S Robinson of Yale, apsychologist who chose to observe law and economics

(144)  … editors do not realize that a political campaign is a dramatic production.

(145)  The trick of being tolerant between elections and starting a mass attack when the battle actually commences is not yet learned.

(162)  Most people will think in terms of a religion of government.

(176)  A trial cannot be a sensible way of investigating facts because the process consists in having two partisans indulge in mutual exaggerations on their own behalf with the idea that the juidge will find the truth in the middle.  The detective does not adopt that process.
NB:  Same with governance and with the media - all use two opposite poles to approach the “middle” assumed common ground

(189)  Men cheerfully accept the fact that some individuals are good and others bad.  Therefore, since great industrial organizations were regarded as individuals, it was not expected that all of them would be good.  Corporations could therefore violate any of the established taboos without creating any alarm about the “system” itself.  Since individuals are supposed to do better if let alone, this symbolism freed industrial enterprise from regulation in the interest of furthering any current morality.  The laissez faire religion, based on a conception of a society composed of competing individuals, was transferred automatically to industrial organizations with nation-wide power and dictatorial forms of government.

… The Government at Washington gradually changed into what was essentially a spiritual government whose every action was designed to reconcile the conflict between myth and reality which men felt when a creed of individualism was applied to a highly organized industrial world.

(197)  The arguments often appeared nonsensical, but it should be remembered that for the purpose of binding organizations together nothing makes as much sense as nonsense, and hence nonsense always wins.

Tears and parades, not factual psychological discussion, are the moving forces of the world in which we happen to live;  and this is true even for psychologists.

(205)  industrial feudalism

(220)  And the reason for this was that the reformers themselves were caught in the same creeds which supported the institutions they were trying to reform.  Obsessed with a moral attitude towared society, they thought in Utopias.  They were interested in systems of government.  Philosophy was for them more important than opportunism and so they achieved in the end philosophy rather than opportunity.  

(230)  A corporate reorganization is a combination of a municipal election, a historical pageant, an antivice crusade, a graduate-school seminar, a judicial proceeding, and a series of horse trades, all rolled into one - thoroughly buttered with learning and frosted with distinguished names.

(231)  Although to the casual observer the complications seem more forbidding, actually the dialectic of this process is very simple.  It consists in the endless repetition in different forms of the notion that men must pay their debts, in a situation in which neither men nor debts in any real sense are involved.

(251)  4.  A recognition of the public responsibility of a great organization to provide security to its retainers and distribute goods would be Communism.

6.  Industrial organizations are not themselves dictatorships because they are individuals exercising their own free will.

… And so the slogans run which protect the dreamworld of fiscal thinking from the actual world of social conduct.

(259)  Fees and patronage in industrial organization, however, are protected by two myths which work together as follows:  (1) Nothing that great American businessman do with their own property can be other than helpful.  (2) Great organizations are in fact American businessmen.  It is the combination of these two myths that creates an anarchy which makes ethical conduct on the part of socially minded businessmen almost impossible.  This can be illustrated by concrete examples. 

(262) In the year 1937 the poll taken by the Institute of Public Opinion showed that two thirds of the people of the United States did not have a decent living wage to support their families according to what they considered the minimum standards of the time.

(280)  Thus the implicit belief that nothing but efficiency could result from uncontrolled private organization, and nothing but inefficiency could result from government organization enabled us to spend vast sums as bonuses to improve every other country but our own.

(285-286)   Government organizations did not operate on the profit motive and therefore private initiative was more efficient.  Government organizations could only be operated at great cost to the taxpayers, whereas private organizations made profits and hence “cost” no one anything.

(310)  One of the most interesting types of taxation levied is illustrated by the Ford Motor Company financing.  This type of taxation has become familiar in European dictatorships.  Ford simply shipped cars to all his dealers with the demand that they pay for them or else their business would be confiscated.  With the aid of local banks they paid. There was nothing else for them to do.  Many of the Ford dealers worked all their lives to contribute to Ford.  However, the similarity of these payments to a tax escaped the attention of men living in the dreamworld of fiscal thinking.  They were considered a free and voluntary trade between a big man called the Ford Motor Company and a lot of little men called dealers.

These same pressures were found in the distribution of securities.  Great issuing houses had a number of good things to distribute and number of sour issues.  If a dealer wanted the patronage of the great house, he took the sour with the good, and got the money back from the public if he could.  The investor was supposed to protect himself by diversification, so that he would get a reasonable number of winning tickets in this lottery scheme of taxation.  It was taken for granted that a substantial number of tickets would lose.

… A world of trade between independent individuals gradually became an industrial feudalism.

(311)  In which is discussed the curious myth that permanent public improvements, conservation of resources, utilization of idle labor, and distribution of available goods are a burden on posterity if accomplished by an organization called “government” which assumes public responsibility.

… It set up standards by which the Government was judged by its failures, while an industrial organization was judged by its successes and its failures were excused.

(312-313)  The second important underlying myth which aids private organizations and hampers government activity along practical lines is the notion that the government has no  “assets.”   

(313)  Wealth, as we have shown, is nothing more than a present-day guess as to what goods and services an individual or an organization can control in the future.  The organization spending on a large scale raises hopes;  men begin to believe in it;  its stock goes up in value;  its hopes are reflected in its bookkeeping;  thus it becomes solvent.
NB:  The best thing is to have a million dollars in the bank.  The second-best is to owe the bank a million dollars.  As the saying goes.

(317)  The principles of “waste” did not apply to business at all, because of the theory that “waste” was automatically eliminated by competition.  No one had the faintest idea what “waste” was anyway.
NB:  Bill McDonough’s natural design rules where “waste equals food”

(324)  When interviewed on the ethics of such transactions [tax avoidance dodges], Mr J P Morgan said:  “If the government cannot collect its taxes, a man is a fool to pay them.”  His remark represented current business ethics toward the Government.  No respecatable person could make the statement that if a _bank_ was unable to collect its notes, the debtor would be a fool to meet his obligations.

…The right to fight long and expensive legal battles has become identified with human freedom, and on the banner of every great tax avoider is inscribed the motto;  “Taxation without litigation is tyranny."

(326)  However, the central idea was that “government” does not spend its “own” money.  It can have no assets.  It cannot use corporate methods of balancing its budget.

(329)  The notion is that nobody “pays” for the mistakes of private organizations, except the investors, the laborers, and the purchasers, and that their loss is not a tax but is something due to their own fault for investing in, working for, and purchasing from, the particular organizations.  In the case of governmental organization, every mistake is a tax on posterity.

(333)  A philosophy of government is a series of parables through which men see the world before them.

(356-357)  8.  Institutional creeds, such as law, economics, or theology, must be false in order to function effectively.  This paradoxical statement means that they must express contradictory ideals, and must authoritatively suppress any facts which interfere with those ideals.

(357)  Therefore, attempts to make creeds consistent, or to make preachers practice what they preach, are effective as destructive, but not as constructive, forces.  What radicals are constantly calling hypocrisy in legal, economic, or ecclesiastical bishops is in reality their ability to act well on the institutional stage which has been set for them by a complex of forces for which they are responsible.

…  The creed of any institution is public presentation of a drama in which the institution is the hero.  The play is spoiled unless the machinery behind the scenes is carefully concealed.  In this lies the explanation of the paradox that legal and economic principles must be false in order to be effective.

(376)  Procedural reform can only be effective where the reformer realizes that the judicial process is necessarily a dramatic contest.

(379)  Public debate is necessarily only a method of giving unity and morale to organizations.  It is ceremonial and designed to create enthusiasm, to increase faith and quiet doubt.  It can have nothing to do with the actual practical analysis of facts.
NB:  “Increase faith and quiet doubt” is ambiguous, increase quiet doubt?  

(382)  It is important that political debate be positive and affirmative and not negative.  When slogans appeal only to fears they hinder organization.  The side with the positive slogans will therefore have the advantage.
NB:  But in the drama of a political campaign a positive slogan does not have to become a positive program:  Make America Great Again

(392)  The Constitution has ceased to be a charter of positive government.  It is only a protection against unholy desires.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dolly Parton Is the Real Deal

 Dolly Parton is in the news (11/18/20) because she helped fund research for a COVID19 vaccine, besides being a musical and film and TV star and distributing something like 100 million books to the youngest readers.  

I am happy that I made sure to see her last time she played Boston.  I hadn’t realized till then what a great songwriter she is as well as being a consummate musical performer.  The show was at the Boch Center and the attitude of the women and girls who turned out for her was a joy to experience.  If Ms Parton does not win a Gershwin Prize it’s an embarrassment to whoever chooses such things.

Found a copy of her autobiography in a Little Free Library and was glad to learn more about this remarkable and admirable woman.

Dolly:  My Life and Other Unfinished Business by Dolly Parton
NY:  HarperCollins, 1994
ISBN 0-06-017720-9

(page 7)  Well, this snooty parson in his starched collar stopped by the fence while my daddy was sweating and groaning trying to get a stump out of the ground, and he said, “Hello, Lee, this is a right nice place you and the Lord have here.”  Daddy wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his sleeve and said, “Yeah, well, you should have seen the som’bitch when the Lord had it by hisself."

(31) This was the first indication [a pie supper where Dewey King bought her pie to sit with her] I can remember that boys were interested in me, and I was touched by that. Although I’m not quite sure where.

(33-34)  Dolly’s mother would sometimes make Stone Soup with the kids, picking the stone of the neediest kid to go in the soup.

(45)  Wouldn’t it be something if we could have things we love in abundance without their losing that special attraction the want of them held for us.

(51)  The worst thing about poverty is not the actual pain of it, but the shame of it.

(66)   In my childlike way, I came to understand that death is only frightening to those of us left behind.

(72)  What has a six-year-old kid done that justified being burned in hellfire?  Any time I asked questions like that I was always told I was too young to understand.  It seemed to me that should work both ways.  I should also be too young to be punished for something I didn’t understand.

(119)  There is a healthy amount of dreaming that has to be done for any project to really be worthwhile.

(134)  I had loved John Kennedy.  Not in the way a woman loves a man but in the way one idealist recognizes another and loves him for that place within themselves that they share.  I didn’t know a lot about politics, but I knew that a lot of things were wrong and unjust and that Kennedy wanted to change them.  He was young.  He was looked at the country with fresh eyes that saw what his predecessors could not or would not.  I grieved for the country.  For the loss of a spirit that young people and poor people and downtrodden people could share and call their own.

(141)  I remembered old stories people would tell about times during the depression when down-and-out diners would go to a café and order a pine float - a glass of water and a toothpick.

(193)  You know money don’t make you smart.  Money don’t make you happy.  But it can make you comfortable if you’re smart enough to be happy.

(215)  We do these things [play tricks on each other] for the fun.  Carl [Dean, her husband] likes it better when nothing is said and it’s just funny inside.  Maybe it stays funny longer that way.

(240)  It’s hard when you want the best for everybody but you also want it for yourself.

(306)  The poet Emily Dickinson said, “The only thing I know about love is that love is all there is.”

(307)  I do think, though, that it’s time we learned to use the word _love_ without cringing.  Maybe then we’ll be able to actually do it without making a big deal out of it, to have it be as much a part of our daily lives as eating or sleeping.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Charmed Lives: A Family Romance

My father was very proud of his Hungarian heritage and proud of all other Hungarians of note.  One of the people he admired was Alexander Korda who made films in Hungary, Germany, the UK, and the USA, where he helped build the movie industry in each and every country.

Alexander Korda brought his two brothers along with him, Zoltan, who became a fine director, and Vincent, a painter who became a noted art director.  Michael Korda was Vincent's son, Alexander's nephew, and became an author and very successful publisher.

Here in what is shaping up to be a disastrous 21st century, these stories from the disastrous 20th century display a kind of life that we will not see again.

Charmed Lives:  A Family Romance by Michael Korda

NY:  Random House, 1979

ISBN  0-394-41954-5

(14)  [England in the late forties] The national spirit was that of the Blitz, without the excitement of the war or the hope of victory.

(32)  Once you have lived long enough in Southern California it always seems like the rest world when you return.  From Sunset Boulevard and South Rodeo Drive, New York, London, Venice - indeed anywhere east of Palm Springs and west of Malibu - appear insubstantial and unreal.  It has always  seemed to me natural to feel lonely in Los Angeles.  In New York I get desperate when I’m alone, and seek out strangers in bars, or begin telephoning friends at odd hours of the night, but I _expect_ to be lonely in L.A., and don’t mind it, since everybody appears to be as well.

(37)  … Habsburg bureaucracy (once accurately described as "despotism humanized by stupidity”).

(66)  As Zoli was later to say, “If people want to kill you for political reasons it can happen or not happen, but if they want to kill you for money, you are already dead.”

(92)  There is a wise Gypsy saying:  “Never steal two chickens in the same village.”

(93)  He [Alex] did not believe in self-justification.  When people were angry at him, he simply agreed with then, thus disarming them completely.

(157)  There is no cruelty like that of small children, and rich children are more cruel than most.

(163)  When Zoli nearly drowned shooting a scene with the mechanical Kaa on the set of “The Jungle Book”:  Coughing and spluttering, Zoli stood up on the bank, wringing out his hat.  “Vy didn’t you bloody help?” He asked.

Alex stared at his muddy shoes.  “You should have shouted in Hungarian,” he said.  “A cry for help should always be in your native language.  Only your own understand."

(164)  Vincent:  Remember:  The people who do the work are more important than the people who give the orders, and don’t ever forget it.

(191)  … at worst a Jaguar sedan (known among chauffeurs as “the Jew’s Bentley”)…

(195)  Alex:  “It’s an old custom.  If you give somebody a knife as a gift, he will become an enemy.  If he gives you a coin, he has bought the knife from you, you see, and you remain friends.  I want us to be friends, so I am taking your penny…."

(205)  Alex:  “Get used to the best,” he would say, “and you will then have a good incentive to succeed - and anyway what’s the point in getting used to second-rate things?”

(225)  Getting Orson Welles to play Harry Lime, chasing him from Rome to Naples to Venice to Capri to Nice, just after WWII when fresh fruit was still unavailable in the UK:  Once we were airborne, my father fell asleep, and gradually Orson, having finished the Nice-Matin and yesterday's Paris edition of the New York Herald-Tribune, began to eye the fruit. Sleepy myself, I noticed him pick up a piece of fruit and fondle it, but when I woke up an hour or so later, I realized to my horror that he had systematically taken a single bite out of each piece of fruit, even the ones whose rinds made this a difficult proposition. Having effectively destroyed Vincent's fruit basket, he was now at peace with himself, and slept soundly, his immaculate appearance marred only by a few spots of juice on shirt front.

I thought there was nothing to be gained by telling my father about Orson's revenge, and when we landed and he saw his devastated fruit basket, he merely sighed and asked the chauffeur to deliver it to Mr. Welles's suite at Claridge's. Not a vindictive man, Vincent was always surprised that others were, he made a allowance for talent.  "I give you a word of advice," he said, as we turned into Wilton Place –" never trust an actor!"

(231)  [Sonny] Tufts had been the victim of a terrible remark, perhaps the only actor in the history of motion pictures whose career was ended by a single line.  When Cary Grant had fallen ill before giving a speech, the organizing committee had replaced him at the last minute with Sonny Tufts, and the master of ceremonies, who had not been informed of the switch, announced to the audience of motion picture celebrities, “And now I present you with one of the truly great actors of the industry, a man who has been a star for many years, a distinguished actor and a great gentleman” - he glanced down at his program notes -  “Sonny _Tufts_?”  The roars of laughter echoed for many minutes, and Tufts never recovered.  Now he was attempting to make a comeback in England, preseumably in the hope that nobody had heard about the joke there, and Alex listened to him with growing impatience.

(241)  In one interview Alex was quoted as saying, “Poverty brings out the best and worst in a man, and it brought out both in me;  money, on the other hand, promises everything and gives nothing - but you first have to have it in order to despise it.”

(270)  Brendan Bracken on Alex buying a Chagall from Chagall’s wife:  “‘Not at all Brendan,’ he [Alex] said, 'Sometimes you have to let yourself be cheated like a gentleman.’  I daresay he’s right, but the truth of the matter is that he’s easily charmed.  I worry about that.  One should be very much on one’s guard against being charmed past the age of fifty.  It’s very dangerous, very dangerous indeed, to be a romantic at that age.”

(295-297)  At the hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo:  Shortly after we had made ourselves comfortable for dinner, a strange apparition presented itself to us in the dining room. A very old man, possibly the oldest man I had ever seen, appeared pushed in a wheelchair by a buxom woman in her mid-thirties….

Lonsdale, who's attention had been diverted from Alexa's bosom to the mysterious and unlikely couple, informed us that they were the old Baron de Rothschild and his nurse.  

“He's lived here since the year one," Lonsdale said. "He moved here from the hotel in Nice after quite a fuss. It seems that for years he had the same waiter, and every morning this waiter brought him his breakfast tea. Then one day the waiter died, and the baron complained that his tea didn't taste the same;  in fact it was dreadful, no taste all. The management rushed about trying to find out what had gone wrong. It happens that old Baron de Rothschild was a miserable tipper. He hated parting with money. In revenge the old floor waiter used to piss in his teapot every morning, starting I suppose with just a few drops, until old Rothschild gradually got used to it. When the waiter died, the new one was bringing Rothschild perfectly good tea, of course, but it just didn't taste the same because he'd gotten used to piss. There was a terrible row when the whole thing came out, and he moved here.”

As our own meal drew to a close, I noticed that the old man was becoming increasingly animated, as if, finally, his evening was about to reach its climax. I wondered if he had a taste for dessert, and was expecting to see something lavish and extraordinary after his frugal meal, but I was surprised to see that maitre d'hotel arrive with a single orange on a silver plate. Deftly, he stuck a fork in the orange and showed it to Rothschild, who nodded in approval. Taking a knife the maitre d'hotel skillfully cut the rind of the orange in one long loop, and placed the fruit in front of the Baron with the flourish.  Rothschild, by now quivering slightly in anticipation, tore the orange into segments with his palsied fingers. It seemed to me improbable that an orange could cause so much pleasure in any man, but who can tell what a man who likes piss in his tea will be excited by. I watched him place one segment of the orange in his mouth, roll it around, chew at it and swallow.  Then, to my astonishment, he very precisely spat the pips straight out across the table, where they landed between his companions breasts.  She took no notice and continued to smile. He snuffled with pleasure, wiped his mouth and took up another orange segment, and proceeded once more to spit the pips out into her cleavage. She looked around the room as if nothing were happening. I squeezed Alexis hand and pointed, and we sat breathlessly as he disposed of the whole orange and its pips, never once missing his target. Then, when he had finished, his companion rose, took away his napkin, checked his rug and wheeled him out of the dining room, bowing majestically to the staff, while the baron sunk back into a comatose lethargy. Clearly it had been the high point of his day….

I explained, as best I could, what what we had seen, and for a moment I thought Alex was not going to believe me. But Freddie Lonsdale gave one of his cackles. "Quite true," he said, "quite true. I heard he does that, but I've never seen it, and I'm sorry I missed it. They say that he also likes to go down to the kitchens and shape all the ice cream and parfaits into perfect little spirals by licking them. I've never been able to eat a parfait since.”

“Well," Alex reflected," I suppose we shall all have to find new pleasures at a certain age, God knows. In a way one can envy him."

(305)  She [Vivien Leigh] was, as Alex said, “the only person in the world who could be charming while she was throwing up,”…

(333)  I was making the same mistake that everybody made about my father;  because he liked company, people assumed he liked conversation.  The worst thing he could say about a man (and most women) was that they talked too much.

(334)  Like Winston Churchill, who always turned off his hearing aid in the House of Commons (and at home) on the grounds that he could hear what he himself was saying perfectly well without it, and didn’t much care what other people were saying, Vincent was quite capable of ignoring a conversation until he felt it was time to join it, or put an end to it.

(340)  Alex:  "Years ago, I remember that Lawrence of Arabia was coming to see me to talk about a movie of Seven Pillars of Wisdom, and he was killed on the way in a motorbike accident.  I still own the rights.”

(358)  Alex leaned over and gave me a searching look, “Remember,” he said, “all girls are different.  Unfortunately, all wives are the same.”

(380)  “Retirement,” he [Alex] said, “is a very difficult thing, much more difficult than people think.  The end is much harder than the beginning.  In the beginning, one is driven by hope and ambition, but at the end it’s just a question of how comfortably you can go out, and between the damned tax people at Somerset House and the bloody doctors, you can’t even count on much in the way of comfort.  Even the greatness of the past doesn’t help all that much.  In Churchill’s case, it just makes it that much harder to go.  Once one has climbed the ladder, it’s hard to step down - and very easy to fall!"

(387)   Movie people are seldom aware of the awe in which they are regarded, partly because they're too busy to notice where they’re working, and because it’s a way of life.  When a camera and lights are set up, it attracts a crowd - much as accidents and crimes do.

(394)  Leila, Vincent’s second wife:  People with ordinary family lives are much happier than people who want to be special.  I learned that.  You may learn it - I hope so, for your sake.

(420)  He [Alex] had once said that in every love affair there is one secret thing which each person knows about the other and which can never be spoken because it will immediately destroy the relationship, a kind of secret weapon in everybody’s heart.

(427)  Zoli:  You haven’t been close because she’s an old woman who once did you a favor.  I understand that.  We always want to turn away from the people who did favors for us, no?  It’s natural, even if it’s not very nice.

(434)  Alex:  Entertainment counts and it is the most difficult thing of all.  You can affect an audience three ways - you can make them laugh, make them cry, and make them sit forward in their seats with excitement.  You should never degrade them…

(449)  Photographer Milton Greene on Alexa [Alexander's third and much younger wife]:  “Nobody’s going to solve her problems.  She has to learn, like everybody else.”

”Learn what?”

“Learn that being tough doesn’t help.  Being rich doesn’t help much either.  What matters is feeling good about what you’re doing.  I don’t think she does.”

(478)  Alex had always boasted that he could learn any language by going to a new country and buying the newspapers, reading them every day until he understood the headlines, then the stories, then the reviews and features.  “When you can do the crosswords,” he would say, “it is time to move on to another country, and learn a new language."

Monday, August 24, 2020

Dreaming the Future: Reimagining Civilization in the Age of Nature

 Dreaming the Future:  Reimagining Civilization in the Age of Nature by Kenny Ausubel

White River Junction, VT:  Chelsea Green Publishing, 2012

ISBN 978-1-60358-459-3

(xi)  It is the art of creating, in ecological designer John Todd’s words, “elegant solutions predicated on the uniqueness of place.”

(xv)  Hoxsey:  When Healing Becomes a Crime, film and book

…. The Hoxsey herbal treatment was a classic case history or medical politics - its therapeutic value twice upheld by federal courts while thousands upon thousands of patients claimed to be cured by it.

(3)  For all the chatter about the Age of Information, what we’re really entering is the Age of Nature.  After all, we didn’t invent nature.  Nature invented us.  Nature bats last, the saying goes.  Even more important, it’s her playing field.  We would be wise to learn the ground rules and how to play by them.

The solutions residing in nature consistently surpass our conception of what’s possible.  The quest to understand nature’s operating instructions is showing us how to design appropriately for human civilization by modeling human organization on living systems and adapting practical ways to serve human ends harmlessly.  They very genius of nature that we are destroying is precisely what we now most need to get ourselves through this bottleneck.

(4)  James Lovelock:  A geophysical system always begins with the action of a single organism.  If this action happens to be locally beneficial to the environment, then it can spread until eventually a _global altruism_ results.  Gaia always operates like this to achieve her altruism.  There is no foresight or planning involved.  The reverse is also true, and any species that affects the environment unfavorably is doomed, but life goes on.

(8)  As [Malcolm] Margolin has said, “it’s really important to get a view of humanity as not living apart from the world or destructive to it.  People by their way of living can actually be a blessing to the world.  But to be a human being, you need more than one generation to take this stuff up.”

(22)  As Charles Darwin observed, “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.”

…Resilience Alliance outlined some of the rules of the road in their book Resilience Thinking.

… Taking care of nature means taking care of people, and taking care of people means taking care of nature.

… Resilience thinking means abandoning command-and control approaches.

(24)  The heart of resilience is diversity.  Damaged ecosystems rebound to health when they have sufficient diversity.

(27)  Studies about social resilience - why some people recover from trauma and abuse - show that perhaps the most important factor is reaching out to helpers and mentors.

(32-33)  To create conditions conducive to life, nature has operating instructions that Benyus has distilled as “Life’s Principles.”  Life optimizes rather than maximizes - it designs for the good of the whole system, whereas maximizing for just one element skews the overall system.  It designs for multiple functions, creating efficiencies.  It matches form to function.

Life leverages interdependence by recycling all materials, fostering cooperative relationships, and creating self-organizing systems.  Life uses benign manufacturing with “life-friendly” materials, water-based chemistry, and self-assembly.

Life also constantly adapts and evolves.  It’s keyed to the local and it’s responsive.  It’s resourceful and opportunistic.  It uses feedback loops to keep learning and responding.  It integrates cyclic processes.  It cross-polinates and mutates.  It builds resilience through diversity, decentralization, and redundancy, allowing for failure and building in sageguards to avoid the possibility of crashing the whole system at once.

The principles appear simple.  Nature runs on current sunlight.  Nature banks on diversity.  Nature rewards cooperation.  Nature builds from the bottom up.  Nature recycles everything.  Life creates conditions conducive to life.

(33)  Quieting human cleverness is the first step in biomimicry.  Next comes listening, then trying to echo what we hear.  This emulating is hard and humbling work.  When what we learn improves how we live, we grow grateful, and that leads to the last step in the path:  stewardship and care taking, a practial thanksgiving for what we’ve learned.

(34)  Jay Harmon is one of our most gifted biomimics and a self-described strategic optimist.

… He came to realize that nature’s favorite form is the spiral.

(35)  Harmon is indeed now demonstrating that it’s more profitable to copy nature than to destroy it.  As CEO of PAX Scientific, a Marin County industrial-design firm that he operates with his wife and partner Francesca Bertone, he develops energy-efficient and ecologically friendly technologies.  PAX Scientific is revolutionizing industrial design working with companies in businesses as far-ranging as refrigerators, ships, and computers.

(38)  Jay Harmon:  Once it [PAX water impeller] sets up, the entire water body becomes a ringed vortex like a smoke ring, which is by far nature’s most efficient flow structure.  This is one of the reasons that we can impact very large volumes of water with such a small device and so little energy.

(48)  As educator David W Orr suggests, the ultimate object of ecological desgin is the human mind.  For the most part, solutions exist for the vast majority of our problems, aand the solutions residing in nature consistently surpass our concept of what’s possible.  It is not ultimately a technolgical issue, but a human perception issue.  The real environmental crisis is between our ears.

(51)  Here are some basic tenets of ecological medicine she [Carolyn Ratffensperger] helped outline:
The first goal of medicine is to establish the conditions for health and wholeness, thus preventing disease and illness.  The second is to cure.
The Earth is also the physician’s client.  The patient under the physician’s care is one part of the Earth.
Humans are part of a local ecosystem.  A disturbed ecosystem can make people physically ill.
Medicine should not add to the illnesses of humans or the planet.  Medical practices themselves should not damage other species or the ecosystem.

… Ironically, medicine itself is a highly toxic enerprise.  The health care industry emits nearly half the known dioxin and dioxin-linked compounds and around a quarter of the mercury released into the environment.

(52)  It’s well proven that the overuse of antibiotics has bred widespread resistance and precipitated a global medical crisis.  But what few realize is how much of the source is factory farming, which uses an estimated 29 million pounds a year in the United States alone at last count - on top of the 3 million used for people.  About 70 percent of all antibiotics sold in the United States are given to healthy food animals as a non-therapeutic treatment to artificially speed up their growth and compensate for the effects of unsanitary conditions on the farm.  Then the antibiotics migrate into land and water to breed even wider resistance.

… Across the United States, animals raised for food produce almost 90,000 pounds of waste _per second_.  
NB:  Methane

(67)  As the late Gaylord Nelson, principal founder of Earth Day, said, “The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment.”

… And in times like these, as Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge."

(79)  Another popular form of mimicry in plants and animals is crypsis, the art of concealment.  Keeping a low profile has potent advantages.

(90)  Ants also invented agriculture before people did, by 50 million years, and they are accomplishing two feats beyond the powers of present human technologies.  They are growing a monocultural crop year after year without disaster, and they are using an antibiotic so prudently that they have not provoked antibiotic resistance.

(108)  As the author EL Doctorow said, “We recognize two forms of citizenship, common and preferred.”
NB:  stock owners

… One thing is for sure:  a forty-hour workweek at the minimum wage will definitely not get you out of poverty.  We have been creating a permanent class of the working poor.

(108-109)  [Kevin] Phillips says that the decline of great economic powers is historically linked to four factors.  The first is “financialization” of their economies, as speculation replaces real production and commerce.

(109)  The second factor is very high levels of debt.  The United States is now the biggest debtor nation in the world.

… The third is extreme economic inequality.  

… Lastly, military overreaching usually seals the decline of a fading dominant economy.

(111)  In contrast, as the World Economic Forum documented, four of the five most competitive economies in the world have the most time-friendly, family-friendly, and worker-friendly policies.

(115)  What did [Tom] Linzey and his team do?  “Well, we have no pride of authorship.  We stole some language.  We went out and we took South Dakota’s work, where the anticorporate farming law is part of the state constitution.  It was driven into the state constitution by farmers and activists in South Dakota who refused to fight things by parts per million, by water pollution, by odor pollution, by end-of-the-pipe measures.  And that’s what’s wrong with environmental law:  It’s all end-of-the-pipe.  It waits until the problem is caused, then comes up with a solution.  Well, the folks in the Midwest didn’t want to be in that position, and they took these steps to drive this law and this concept into the constitution through a statewide initiative process that mandated no corporations in farming.”

(118)  You may remember the Boston Tea Party.  It actually began as a revolt against the East India Company after it enlisted the British Crown to exempt it from paying the tea taxes that applied to merchants in the colonies, thereby destroying any competition from small colonial merchants.  The American Revolution began as an anticorporate, antimonopoly rebellion.

Following the American Revolution, corporations were kept on a tight legal leash.  Corporations could be formed only to undertake public projects, and could exist for just a finite period.  After that, they could be rechartered only if they could show they existed for the public good.  Their directors and officers were held personally liable for the actions and harms of the corporations.  All that began to change with the 1886 Supreme Court ruling that corporations were persons.

The Corporate Rights Elimination Ordinances that have been passed in Pennsylvania gives communities the right to refuse to recognize their corporate constitutional rights at the municipal level.  The argument shifted from contaminated sludge to the Constituion.

(121)  People were coming to understand what Thomas Jefferson had warned against over two hundred years ago:  “I hope we will crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government in a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of the country.”

(122)  Tom Linzey:  So we said, “Yeah, we could do that.”  We went back to the office and began drafting the Corporate Rights Elimination Ordinance.  After Porter Township, unanimously voted to adopt a binding law as the first in the country to pass a binding ordinance eliminating corporate constitional rights, another township followed in early 2003.  Then another rural municipal government.  We were at the beginning of the beginning, and we’d discovered some new tools.”

(124)  Perhaps, just perhaps, we’re in this mess today not only because we don’t live in a democracy, but because we’ve never had a democracy in this country.  Indeed, perhaps the corporate cultural I.V. in our arms has been working so well that it’s hard for us to even imagine what self-government would look like.  We assume that we’re working within a framework in which majorities actually make governing decisions.

(132)  Tom Linzey:  We’ve tried to build an environmental movement on the basis of nature as property.  Environmental regulations and laws are all based on Congress’s authority under something called the Commerce Clause.  In fact, when Congress passed he Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and National Environmental Plicy Act and even the Endangered Species Act, they were all done under the Commerce Clause authority, which essentially says that nature is commerce.  Western philosophy and law treat nature as property.  It’s really a shake-up when people start syaing that right-less things should have rights, at the very least the right to exist.

(133)  Wild Law:  A manifesto for Earth Justice by South African environmental attorney Cormac Cullinan

…  Tom Linzey:  What’s fascinating is that over a dozen municipalities in the United States today working with our organization have passed local laws that declare that ecosystems have rights to exist and flourish of their own, and that anyone in the community can step into the shoes of the ecosystem to protect it or vindicate it.  Damages have to be measured by the damage to the ecosystem and damage awards have to go back to restoring the ecosystem itself.  It’s a fundamental shift in the law.

(138)  Over a series of months, they shaped and expanded that language, and in 2009 the people of Ecuador approved the New Constitution, becoming the the very first country in the world to recognize in its Constitution the rights of ecosystems to “exist, persist, regenerate and evolve.”

…  In 2010, CELDF [Community Environment Legal Defense Fund] became a founding member of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, an international organization formed to buidl a global movement ot recognize nature’s legal rights, and is currently chairing its Legislative Assistance Working Group.

(143)  To succeed in this momentous transition, we’re being called upon to cooperate on a grand scale.  It requires the equivalent of a wartime mobilization, yet its purpose is precisely the opposite:  to create peace.
NB:  War also can create peace, supposedly

(145)  People said, “We’re at war with these people because they’ve harmed us.  They’ve done wrong to us.”  The Peacemaker [Huron who founded the Iroquois Confederacy] replied that the pursuit of peace is not merely the pursuit of the absence of violence.  Peace is never achieved until justice is achieved.  Justice is not achieved until everyone’s interests are addressed.  So, he said, you will never actually finish addressing everyone’s issues.  You can’t achieve peace unless it’s accompanied by constant striving to address justice.  It means your job will never end.

(162)  In the wake of the crash and looming bankruptcies, professor Gerald Epstein of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst proposed a “Green Bank of America” and “Green Citi Bank.”  That would be a real public option.

… Distributed energy systems provide much greater efficiency as well as security, in part because huge amounts of energy are lost in long-distance transmission.  The leading model is Denmark, where distributed networks generate half the country’s electricity and have cut carbon emissions by nearly half from 1990 levels.

(163)  At a meeting of global spiritual leaders, Chief Oren Lyons of the Iroquois Six Nations recalls the words of a Japanese elder who distilled the essence of the crisis we face into four words:  value change for survival.

(164)  The First People’s Original Instructions:
Take only what you need, and give back as much as you take.
Take responsibility for sustaining the web of life.
Because all life is connected and related, respect your relatives and each other.
Pursue peace through justice in a process that never ends.
Be grateful.
Enjoy life.

(168)  An estimated 25 percent of emissions produced by people in industrialized nations can now be linked with the foods they eat.

(171)  Among its [the EU’s] structural innovatioins are two policies:  works councils and codetermination, which go right to the heart of power.  Works councils give employees significant input on working conditions, as well as codecision rights on some aspects of finances and some consultation rights on new technologies, mergers, and layoffs.  They contribute to efficiency by improving the quality of decisions and worker buy-in.

With codetermination, workers elect representatives to supervisory boards.  It has fostered cooperation with management and benefitted businesses.

(172)  Organic Valley, the $500 million farmers’ co-op, delivers returns of 2 percent while meeting its mission of saving the family farm.  Spain’s Mondragon Corporation, the nation’s seventh-largest industrial enterprise, is partnering with the United Steelworkers union to creat manufacturing co-ops.  Holland’s large Rabobank Group, founded in the 1800s, operates on cooperative principles and is owned by shareholder customers and employees.  The data show that employee-owned firms tend to outperform thier peers, and foundation-owned ones perform at least as well or better.  In Europe, co-ops contribute 12 percent of GDP.

(185)  John Mohawk, Seneca historian:  The culture that I came from saw the universe as the fountain of everything, including consciousness.  In our culture we’re scolded for being arrogant if we think that we’re smart.  An individual is not smart according to our culture.  An individual is merely lucky to be a part of a system that has intelligence that happens to reside in them.  In other words, be humble about this always.  the read intelligence isn’t the property of an individual or a corporation or something - the real intelligence is the property of the universe itself.

(187)  [John Mohawk] The Creator is the force that gave that plant consciousness, as manifested in its compounds and in its shape at that moment.  When you’re talking to that plant, you’re talking to the essence fo the spirit of life in the universe, not just on the Earth.  Whatever it is is not confined to here.  You can look up in the sky and see that we’re not the only place that’s occupied.  There are other beings in the universe besdies us.  That’s the old spirituality.  Acquire that consciousness, and it becomes extremely difficult to rationalize pollution.  acquire that consciousness and it becomes very difficult to rationalize cutting down trees to make board-feet worth of dollars out of them.   

I propose to you that spirituality is the highest form of political consciousness.

(188)  [Lyall] Watson identifies three pinciple sources of this disruptive evil in ecology:
a loss of connection to place
a loss of balance between both numbers and distribution
a lack of diversity

(189)  R. Buckminster Fuller’s  mission statement for humanity:
To make the world work
For 100 percent of humanity
In the shortest possible time
Through spontaneous cooperation
Without ecological offense
Or the disadvantage of anyone.  

(194)  Dennis Martinez, founder of the Indigenous Peoples’ Restroation Network, a working group of the Society for Ecological Restoration International:

…Omar Freilla, Green Worker Cooperatives, a South-Bronx-based organization dedicated to incubating worker-owned green businesses in order to build a strong local economy rooted in democrary and environmental justice:

Elaine Ingham is a soil biology researcher and the founder of Soil Foodweb Inc:

(195)  Luisah Teish, Jambalaya:  The Natural Woman’s Book of Peronals Charms and Practical Rituals, Carnival of the Spirit (New York:  Harper and Row, 1985)

(196)  Business Alliance for Local Living Economies [BALLE]:

(199)  Edward Tick and Stephen Larsen, The Practice of Dream Healing:  Bringing Ancient Greek Mysteries into Modern Medicine (Wheaton, IL:  Quest Books, 2001)

Two European banks known for their ethics and progressive policies are Triodos Bank ( and Rabobank (