Thursday, February 13, 2014

Governor Candidates' Forum on Energy

These are rough notes and impressions.  All mistakes and opinions are mine.

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Opening statements:
Joe Avellone:  revenue neutral carbon tax like British Columbia, workforce development through community and state colleges and vocational education
Don Berwick:  climate adaptation, wife, Ann Berwick is chair of the state's Department of Public Utilities, son in solar business
Martha Coakley:  no specific plans mentioned but will continue current policies, proud of EPA carbon case
Steve Grossman:  his company started using 100% renewable electricity in 2007 and brought along his subcontractors to do the same, as Treasurer issued green bonds, second entity to do so after World Bank, plans a 1% green budget for state
Juliette Khayyem:  green bank proposal, climate change liaison in gov's office

Berwick:  built a near passivhaus vacation home which now has solar electricity (PV), supports imported hydro (which is probably Hydro Quebec)
Khayyem:  military as a client for renewables
Avellone:  community, state colleges and vocational schools for building a skilled labor force, big corporations to switch to renewables through carbon tax
Q:  funds for retrofitting old buildings and infrastructure?
Khayyem:  brownfields and infrastructure concentration needed

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